Many Palm Beach Garden residents don't realize that contents clean-up & restoration can be done for the many personal items that have been damaged in most types of natural disasters. The contents cleaning & restoration process includes going through sensitive items, recovering photos and documents, and other recovery challenges that only our content cleaning experts should handle.
Over the years, we've always worked quickly to help the Palm Beach Gardens community recover from catastrophic events with our professional contents cleaning & restoration. When cleaning fire and smoke, keep in mind that fire releases many toxic substances from building materials and properties. Because of this, the soot that you remove from furniture that has been exposed is most likely toxic. Stay protected from the potentially toxic smoke residue by hiring a knowledgeable team like ours at Pack First. We can also help if your home was a victim of water damage. Recovery from flooding or water damage of any kind is a headache. As you attempt to salvage what you can, keep in mind that water can contain chemicals from building materials, pesticides, and other contaminants, so it's best to call a cleaning service as quickly as possible to help.
After a certain amount of mold damage, your home's soft content is considered contaminated and requires thorough cleaning. Soft content includes items in your home that are made with fabric, or soft material. These items can include mattresses, drapes, sofas, clothing, and more. Our team can pack up these items and professionally clean and restore them back to their former glory.
Experts You Can Trust
Talk to one of our contents cleaning & restoration experts before disposing of important personal property damaged in a catastrophic event accident. Our team at Pack First is here for emergency services and here to assist you pack-in & unpack contents, should you require it. Contact us for a free quote on our contents cleaning & restoration services in Palm Beach Gardens today!
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